We are not open to submissions at this time.
Submission Guidelines
General Guidelines
- Please view our FAQ page before submitting. We mainly strive to publish poems by Korean contributors. However, we are open to works that simply pertain to Korea.
- Send all works to thehanokreview[at]gmail[dot]com with the following subject line [GENRE_full name]
Ex) POETRY_Jane Doe
- Preferred format: 12-point font, EB Garamond, pdf or docx
- Please include a brief third-person bio and cover letter to accompany your piece(s). Please indicate whether you are ethnically Korean or not.
- Submissions that are written in Korean or incorporate Korean terminology are always welcome.
- We accept simultaneous submissions. However, if your poems are accepted elsewhere, please send an immediate follow-up response to your submission on the same email thread.
- We do not accept previously published pieces.
- We will immediately reject work that contains unduly graphic descriptions and/or phobic implications towards any particular group of individuals. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any sort of prejudice.
- We ask that you include a trigger warning for any piece(s) that contains sensitive content (e.g. suicide, sexual assault, etc).
- Send up to 6 poems at once.
- You may send up to 2 entries per issue.
- We accept translations, as long as they have been granted permission by the publisher or respective owner.
- We offer translation services for poetry submissions written entirely in Korean. Please click here for more information.
- We do not accept interviews that have already been conducted. Instead, we view interviews as a collaborative project between the contributor and The Hanok Review. Please send an interview proposal stating the interviewee and their work, alongside a few sample interview questions.
- We expect you to have reached out to the interviewee beforehand.
- You may only send 1 proposal per issue.